Reiki energy is a healing light channeled directly from source. It is an energy of pure, divine unconditional love.

Reiki energy or Universal life force energy is a profound tool that purifies our field of any stuck, stale, low vibrational energies that is not in our highest alignment. It balances our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies by activating the body’s natural abilities to heal itself.

Some of the benefits of receiving a Reiki healing

  • Physical:

    Aids digestion

    Overall relaxation

    Promotes restful sleep

    Releases tension

    Relieves pain

    Supports body’s physical healing process

    Helps identify and treat illness

    Strengthens immune system

  • Emotional and Mental:

    Reduces anxiety and stress

    Creates space for clarity and guidance to come through

    Release stuck emotions and traumas

    Increased attention span

    Leaves you feeling balanced and grounded

    Increased self-esteem

  • Spiritual:

    Enhances Intuition

    Energy Cleanse

    Harmonize chakras

    Removes energy blocks

    Deeper connection to higher self

    Greater sense of meaning in life

    Promotes spiritual growth

Receiving Reiki healings regularly enhances our quality of life. It allows to connect deeply to our body and our spirit.

Reiki is safe and non-invasive. It is practiced world wide and recognized by WHO (World Health Organization) as an alternative therapy

Shamanism & Reiki

Shamanism is an ancient practice found all over the world from many different cultures and is still widely practiced in the present day. The practice is centered around the deep healing realms of mother earth and the cosmos. It leads one to higher states of consciousness.

Shamanism uses the natural medicine of the earth to guide one through profound healing & awakening. Its ancient wisdom is rooted in the spirit of nature and aligns our higher purpose to the divine consciousness of the cosmos.

Reiki and shamanism are powerful modes of healing on their own, they both utilize spiritual energies as a means to heal.

When working together they are quite the powerful alliance.



The Chakana is a sacred cross from the from the Inca culture. A harmonious Andean symbol that guides us to embodying a more balanced life. It represents the dynamics between life and the universe.

Each point represents the four directions, four bodies, four elements and four seasons.

The Shamanic elements of the Chakana and Reiki energy make a profound team. Working with these allow for a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It allows for a deep harmonious balancing and powerful insights to come through. They work together to activate our bodies and allow for deep healing to take place.

I work with the wisdom of this symbol in all of my healings, it supports me in channeling divine guidance from Gaia to deepen our healing.


Working with the Four Elements

~ Earth ~ Water ~ Fire ~ Air ~

These elements are our guides, always working by our side to help us live regeneratively and in synchronicity with the consciousness of Mother Earth. We need them to survive in the physical realm, they restore our energies, give us clarity and support us in managing our emotions.

Aligning our lives to these four elements allows us to find balance within our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. It gives us access the the medicine each element provides to enrich our healing.

During a session, I may call upon the spirit and wisdom of certain animals and plants related to these elements to bring a harmony of the elements back into your body.

The Earth Element ~ The body, “Action”

When we have an imbalance of Earth energy we start to develop physical pains and issues in the body. Including general exhaustion, sprains, fractures, aches and muscle weakness. On an energetic level we may feel gluttonous, dense, impatient and unsatisfied with life.

Check in with yourself and see where your physical body is at. Are you providing care to the places that may need a little extra love? Are you avoiding nourishment your body is asking for? Do you give yourself a balance between rest and movement?

Call in the energy of earth to root into your body and feel confident in the reality you are creating for yourself.

The Water Element ~ Our emotions, “Feeling”

When we have an imbalance of water it may feel like we’re drowning in our emotions, unable to swim back to the surface. We can feel generally unstable in our emotions. We can feel numb, fragile, moodiness and disconnected from ourselves. An imbalance can lead to allergies, respiratory and digestive issues.

Are you intimate with your emotions? Are you able to meet your emotions and work through them? Do you feel your emotions are out of control or are you able to manage them?

We call upon the water energy to cleanse our beings of energies that no longer serve us and gain support in navigating our emotions. Take a warm bath, swim in ocean, river or lake. Allow the water spirit to leave you feeling renewed.

The Air Element ~ Our Mind, “Thinking”

When we have an imbalance of air we can have a lack of discernment, feel overly stressed and anxious, over think things, and unable to reflect on the “now.” We can feel gullible, frivolous and un-confident in our truth.

Do you have awareness of your thoughts and thinking habits? Are you in control of your inner monologue? Are you able to tune into different voices of the mind?

We call in the spirit of Air to bring clarity back into our life. Connect to your breath and allow the beauty of the present moment to flow through you. Light some insence, smell some flowers, breathe in your surroundings.

The Fire Element ~ our spirit, “Existing”

An imbalance of Fire energy can leave us feeling unmotivated, depressed, lack of meaning in life, and stuck in our egos. An overwhelm of anger, jealousy and irrational/impulsive decision making.

Do you feel connected to spirit? Are you empowered by your souls mission? Do you take action to manifest your deepest desire? Are you open to a higher vibrational state of consciousness?

Call upon the Fire spirit to connect deeper with your higher self. To take action in making your dreams become a reality. Sit around a fire, light some candles, get in touch with your sacral chakra and speak your deepest desires to the fire energy. Ask for guidance and strength to bring them to fruition.

Teachings were passed down by Satya - Medicina Natural.