
What Is Huachuma?

Huachuma is a legal, native medicine to the high andes of Peru, a cactus known as the Grandfather spirit. He is a powerful plant teacher and healer, used to treat physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. The experience is often described as heart-opening and can provide insights into one’s life and personal growth.

What are the healing benefits of Huachuma?

Huachuma brings you out of the mind into the depths of the heart to help you experience the pure power of divine, unconditional love to help you heal on a soul level, remember the truth of who you are and connect you deeper with nature.

He will show you where the limitations and the patterns for your ego are getting in the way of living up to your full potential. The medicine provides great support in releasing suppressed traumas, emotions and the pain in your heart so that you can return to your natural state of being and welcome in greater levels of peace, freedom and connection in your life. He will help you harmonize your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body.

What sensations can I expect from working with this medicine?

Huachuma is psychoactive medicine that lasts anywhere from 12-14 hours. It is known to heighten your senses, give you energy and stamina and bring you into a higher state of consciousness. The medicine works in gentle waves and may induce a strong emotional release, helping free yourself from suppressed emotions in the body, eventually bringing you to state of pure bliss and joy.

Huachuma can cause dizziness, nausea, activate your “sixth sense” and often times bring profound visions.

Who will be serving the medicine?

Avalon will be serving the medicine for the ceremonies. She is a deeply respected medicine woman with 9 years of experience working with various sacred plants, including Ayahuasca and Huachuma. Trained by a Peruvian family, Avalon has facilitated numerous retreats and ceremonies, bringing a profound sense of integrity and humility to her work.

She has also spent two years in solitude, connecting deeply with 16 different plant allies, including Rose. Avalon's skills extend beyond medicine work; she is a licensed healing touch practitioner, vibrational sound therapist, and Light language practitioner. Her focus is on empowering individuals, especially women, through her voice and healing practices.

I chose Avalon for this retreat because of her extensive experience, her ability to create a safe and sacred space, the tools she provides for private support and her deep connection with Huachuma and the spirit of the Rose.

I will be there as support for the ceremony and will lead following integration sessions.

Want to experience the profound magic and power of working with Huachuma?

Click button below to apply for a private retreat in Sacred Valley, Peru