Plant Medecine Integration

The real work begins as soon as you leave ceremony.

Integration is the single most important aspect of plant medicine work and is often overlooked or not taken seriously. When working with the plants, they are here to serve as tools on your healing journey to illuminate and bring healing to whats not in alignment, give you valuable insights to make lasting change in your life, awaken your power and open you up to a higher understanding and perspective of life. After ceremony, its up to you to take the aligned action working with the given wisdom and healing to truly make lasting change in your life.

Having a lack of embodiment of these gifts from the medicine can lead to you going back into the same patterns, loops, habits and trauma responses that you intended to heal or even create an unhealthy dependency with the plant medicines.

It takes work, time, commitment and understanding to integrate these experiences and insights into your life to actually make lasting change.

In addition to my 5+ years of sitting and supporting ceremonies with medicines such as Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Kambo and Mushrooms, training in trauma informed Breathwork facilitation and 3+ years of supporting people with medicine integration - I am completing my Somatic Plant Medicine Integration practitioner training with Atira Tan (expected December ‘24).

My integration sessions are rooted in trauma informed, somatic based practices to support you in unlocking the wisdom of your body, creating a healthy, life long ally-ship with the plants and help you truly create the lasting change you wish to see in your life.

Proper Integration Supports you with:

  • Anchoring in lasting transformation in your life

  • Deepening your relationship with the plant allies, learning to use their wisdom as a life-long tool on your journey

  • Finding deeper devotion and purpose on your path

  • Stepping into your power & sovereignty as the great creator of your life

  • Truly completing trauma cycle, Re-establishing safety and trust within the body.

  • Creating new & healthy thought patterns

  • Learning to work WITH life’s challenges rather then AGAINST

  • Ease-fully navigating the tests & challenges that come your way

  • Grieving the old versions of self

  • Establishing Greater trust in yourself & life

Working with your breath in integration

Breathwork is a powerful tool in integrating your plant medicine experience. It allows you to have those “plant medicine” journey’s through the power of our own breath.

It can support you in getting further clarity on things that may have come into your awareness during your plant medicine journey. Additionally, it supports the plants in completing the healing work on your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body. It empowers you to remember that you are own inner healer, that you don’t have to solely depend on these medicines for your healing. The breath allows you to see the plants as powerful tools to support you on our journey.

I work with The Sacred Breath Method, a holistic, trauma informed, somatically-based, free form method of conscious connected breathwork that opens the gateway to expanded states of consciousness where profound transformation occurs through the intimate meeting of self.

The sacred breath method prioritizes re-establishing safety within the body by utilizing the Parasympathetic Nervous system. Working with method allows you to rebalance the emotional body, heal the pain body and activate your souls highest expression. Here you will discover the wise one within and create space within your being to root deeper into the light of your truth.